Schedule St. Online Manual
Manual Top FAQ ELECOM Apps
  • Monthly

    Displays monthly calendar.

    By touching specified date, daily calendar will be displayed.

    By long pressing specified date, operation menu will be displayed and you can config the background color, daily seal and holiday.
  • Weekly

    Displays weekly calendar.

    By touching specified date, daily calendar will be displayed.

    By long pressing specified date, operation menu will be displayed and you can config the background color, daily seal and holiday.
  • Yearly

    Displays yearly calendar.

    By touching the header of month, specified monthly calendar will be displayed. By touching the date, specified daily will be displayed.

    By swiping horizontally, you can switch the years.
  • Daily

    Displays daily calendar.
    By touching specified event, the edit event srceen will be displayed.

    By touching [Diary] icon, Diary area which you can record diary will be displayed.
    Record your comment and events with daily seals.
Edit Event
  • Edit Event

    Edit event name and date. Location, repeat option, notification are available.

  • Event History/Template

    Created event name is stored in history. You can select event name from history.

    You can also prepare template.

    Selected history and template can be deleted.
  • Event Color

    Event color which you want can be set to each event. Full color is supported. If event color is not set, group color is applied as event color.

  • Event Icon

    Event Icon can be set to event. Event Icon is displayed on each calendar.

  • Customizable Recursive Event

    Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly repeat options are available. Customize option such as interval,times and period are also available.

  • Notification

    Set notification to alarm at time of event.

    Notification behavior such as alarm sound and vibration is depends on calendar storage location.

    Google Calednar
    Config notification settings in Android calendar on device.

    Schedule St.
    Config sound settings in device settings.
  • Regist Extra Info

    You can attach TODO/Text/Photo/Voice/Handwrite/Contacts to the event.

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Event Search
  • Event Search

    Search event with condition including keyword and period.

  • Edit Search Result

    You can delete multiple events on search result.

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