Operating Environment

iOS 5.0 or higher

iPhone 4 or higher, iPod touch 4th or higher,iPad2 or higher

* 2x display for iPad

With free version, the Ads is displayed. Also some characters are locked. By purchasing the license key through In-App Purchase, the Ads is removed and you can use all characters.



Required operation buttons are located on each screens.

- Menu

Displays menu.

- List

Displays diary list.

- Montly

Displays monthly view.

- Weekly

Displays weekly view.

- Tweet

Post dialy content to Twitter.



Only illusts are displayed on monthly view.
By touching day, the specified daily view is displayed.
By flipping the screen, previous or next monthly is displayed.

- This Month Button

Move to current month.



Illusts and comments for weekly are displayed.
By touching day, the specified daily view is displayed.
By flipping the screen, previous or next weekly is displayed.

- This Week Button

Move to curent week.



The content of daily for specified date is displayed.
By touching "Edit Diary" button, it moves to the edit screen.
By flipping the screen, previous or next date is displayed.

- Today Button

Move to current date.

- Diary Content

Displays the content of diary.

- Edit Diary Button

Move to eidt screen.



The content of diary can be editted.

- Today's illust

Select the illust which is matched to your emotion. Selected illusts are displayed on montly or weekly views.

- Today's Event

Write your event.

- Comment for Good

Write your good things.

- Comment for Bad

Write your bad things.

- Comment for tomorrow

Write your next goal for tomorrow.



Displays list of diary.

- Diary List

Displays list of diary. Only filtered contens are displayed.

- Menu

Displays menu.

- Select All

Clear filter and displays all diary.

- Good Filter

Displays only diary with GOOD illust.

- Normal Filter

Displays only diary with NORMAL illust.

- Bad Filter

Displays only diary with BAD illust.



Various settings can be operated.

- Character setting

You can select the character. When you are using Free version, some characters are locked. By purchasing the license key through In-App Purchase, you can use all characters. Also Ads are removed.

- Goal setting

You can configures the goal settings.

- Set the twitter account

You can configures the Twtter settings.


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